Professional referral
Please ensure that you are familiar with our referral criteria here before making the referral and if you'd like to discuss specific cases/exceptions prior to referral please ring 0121 301 5990 for assistance.
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Acacia provides peer support to improve emotional wellbeing for mild to moderate pre and postnatal depression and anxiety, where the low mood or anxiety is primarily caused by pregnancy or within two years after giving birth. Peer support provides a safe and confidential, non-judgemental listening space to allow feelings and emotions to be expressed with empathy.
We will treat all people with respect, sensitivity and kindness. We expect the same values to be shown to our staff and volunteers.
Referrals for our core service are accepted for residents of Birmingham or registered to a Birmingham GP.
Dads and Partners Service: Birmingham or Solihull resident or registered to a GP in these areas.
Young Parents Service: Up to 25 years of age and Birmingham resident or registered to Birmingham GP.